AS7262 is a cost-effective multi-spectral on-chip sensor, a solution designed specifically to solve the spectrum IDApplication.The chip is a highly integrated device that can provide 6 channels of multi-spectrum in the visible light wavelength range from about 430nm to 670nm., full width half height (FWHM) is 40nm. Provide One integrated LED driver with programmable current for electronic shutter application. AS7262 integrates Gaussian filter into standard CMOS. Silicon is packaged in an LGA package through nano-optical deposition interference filter technology. The package provides a built-in aperture to control the light entering the sensor array. Control and spectral data access can be achieved in any of the following ways: I²C register set, or with advanced AT spectrum commands via serial UART settings.Application areaApplications of as7262 include:Portable spectrometer•gardening• Color matching and recognitionAuthentication and brand protection• Precise color adjustment/calibrationWith level conversion, power supply 3-5v, provide Arduino code, it is recommended to purchase with a certain foundation.AS7262 can detect spectra: 450nm, 500nm, 550nm, 570nm, 600nm and 650nmAS7263 can detect spectra: 610nm, 680nm, 730nm, 760nm, 810nm and 860nmAS7262 spectrum channel:
AS7263 spectrum channel:
The following is the new sensor module AS7341:
AS7341 11-channel spectral sensor
11-channel spectrometer from ams for spectral recognition and color matching applications
ams AS7341 is an 11-channel spectrometer suitable for spectrum recognition and color matching applications in mobile devices. The spectral response is defined in the wavelength range of approximately 350nm to 1000nm. Six channels can be processed in parallel by independent ADCs, while the other channels are accessed through multiplexers. Eight optical channels cover the visible spectrum, one channel can be used to measure near-infrared light, and one channel is a photodiode without a filter ("transparent").
The device also integrates a dedicated channel to detect ambient light flicker at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The flicker detection engine can also be used to buffer data when calculating other flicker frequencies externally. The combination of NIR channels and other VIS channels can provide information about ambient light conditions (light source detection). The device can also synchronize with external signals via pin GPIO. AS7341 uses nano-optical deposition interference filter technology to integrate the filter into a standard CMOS silicon wafer. Its package provides a built-in aperture to control the light entering the sensor array. Control and spectral data access are realized through the serial I2C interface. The device uses an ultra-thin package,
Dimensions are 3.1 mm x 2 mm x 1 mm
AS7341 spectral channel:
GY-AS7341 with level conversion, power supply 3-5v, provides arduino code, it is recommended to purchase with a certain basis.